Can a raw diet improve the health and longevity of my pet?
Yes! Wild ancestors of our now-domestic dogs and cats ate a raw diet in the wild, and their body chemistry is designed to digest, assimilate, and utilize all the nutrients of a raw diet. Simply put, they thrive on such a diet. For comparison's sake, let's look at human diets. It is well known that eating fast food and junk food (equivalent to the lack of pet appropriate nutrition in many commercial foods) will contribute to many diseases, including things like heart disease or kidney disorders. Our ancestors did not have fast food to clog their arteries; our bodies were not designed to eat this type of food. The same is true of our dogs and cats. Processed, by-product filled food is a recent invention and doesn't prioritize our animals' health. In contrast, it is proven that a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and fiber can reduce heart disease, increasing lifespan. The same goes for our pets – a natural, raw diet is the most health-promoting, readily absorbed food for pets. Healthy food DOES equal a healthy pet!
Can I feed my pet raw food and kibble?
Yes! The important thing is to start by separating these meals by at least 8 hours. Kibble can take up to 16 hours to digest, whereas raw only takes about 3 to 4 hours. Mixing them is not always initially recommended, as the variance in digestion times could cause upset to the stomach/GI tract. No body likes to come home to accidents in the house! If you choose to feed both, we generally recommend kibble in the morning so that your pet can digest during the day when you might not be at home. Then they can enjoy a raw meal for dinner. This is applicable for both dogs and cats.
Does feeding a raw diet require a lot of extra work?
Actually, feeding raw does not take a lot of work and it can be very easy! First of all, food for up to four days can be defrosted at the same time (stored in the fridge), so you don’t have to take food out of the freezer every day. Many products we carry do not need any mixing, it’s just thaw and serve the appropriate amount! There are many different ways to feed raw. Ask us for advice if you need help finding the right method for you and your pet.
How is “feeding raw” different than just buying meat from the grocery store?
Feeding a proper raw diet is not just raw meat. Raw diets for dogs and cats are made up of meat, bone, organ meats, vegetables, and and some supplements. All of these elements are needed in proper proportions to ensure your pet maintains their health. Additionally, most raw diets that Tail Blazers offers are made from hormone and antibiotic free meats, a bonus that is not found with standard grocery store meat.
Is it true there is a lot less stool when a pet is fed a raw diet?
Yes, this is true! Because raw food is so easily digested, there is a lot less waste, therefore less stool. The stool is more compact, odorless, and will disintegrate very quickly. Color will vary, depending on the kind of meat consumed. Additionally, stools are harder which helps keep the anal glands properly cleaned, so hopefully you can have fewer uncomfortable visits to the vet to have your poor pups glands expressed!​
Are raw bones dangerous for my pet?​
A suitably sized/shaped raw, meaty bone can be perfectly safe and great for oral health. We always recommend starting with easily chewed on and digested bones, such as ribs or necks, which have more meat than bone oftentimes. Weightbearing bones, such as hocks or femurs should only be fed to dogs with experience chews raw bones and should be taken away if excessive pressure is being exerted. Always supervise your pet when chewing bones, and never cook them as the cooking process can make them more brittle, prone to splintering, and harder on the kidneys.
How often can I change my pets raw food?
Many raw feeders will rotate their animals proteins and even their brands at least once a month. Others will thaw something new every few days. This comes down to how much space you have in your freezer, if your animal has any protein allergies and if they have been fussy in the past. Generally, we recommend that customers try out different brands and proteins on a regular basis, as rotation is one of the best ways to ensure your animals nutritional requirements are being met. ​That's why we have a twelve door walk in freezer, to better supply our customers with a large variety to choose from!
Why shouldn't I feed exclusively kibble to my pet?
Kibble requires binding starch to hold its shape in the cooking process; think, cookies. These starches vary from more desirable (quinoa, millet, sweet potato) to less desirable (legume flours, white potato, oats, brown rice) to "should not be fed to our pets at all" (corn, corn meal, white rice, wheat). Depending on the animal, these starches can be difficult to digest, can cause spikes in blood sugar levels and can lead to weight gain. Most kibble also requires synthetic vitamins to be added in after the cooking process, as natural vitamins are lost to the high temperatures. Synthetic vitamins are not as easily absorbed by the body and can lead to damaged organs, specifically the kidney's, over an extended period of time. More and more animals are being diagnosed with renal failure at earlier stages in their lives.
Does dry food and/or treats clean my pet’s teeth?
This is a somewhat common myth; neither dogs nor cats have the appropriate enzymes in their saliva to break down the carbohydrates found in kibble. This means that chewed kibble can remain on the teeth, and will breakdown from carbohydrates into sugars, feeding any negative bacteria in the mouth. Many animals tend to swallow their kibble whole, which does not do anything for their teeth. There are abrasive treats that can help remove existing buildup on the teeth, however depending on their ingredients, they are often doing more damage than good. The best solutions for cleaning your pet’s teeth are simply brushing them and providing appropriate sized bones/natural chews.
Is sticking to one diet good for my pet?
Feeding the same food every day over time can actually lead to allergies, nutrient deficiencies, and it can also lead to fussy eaters (many pets can get bored with their food). Eating the same meal every day over time can decrease the body's ability to breakdown those proteins, can cause the body to mistakenly identify them as harmful, and even create defensive antibodies towards them. It may be necessary to stick to one diet as a short-term solution during periods of digestive upset or during allergy trials (such as an elimination diet), but in the long-term, a diverse diet will make your pet happier and healthier.
Should I only feed my cat kibble?
Ideally, no. Cats are obligate carnivores and require large amounts of meat rich in protein and moisture. The process which kibble undergoes removes almost all the moisture from the product, and depending on the brand, a lot of the nutrients are lost during the cooking process. Since they generally rely on moisture from their diet, cats are not prone to drinking a lot of water; this forces the moisture from their body to be used in digesting their food. Over time, this can lead to urinary crystals and other dehydration related disorders. Adding in a quality canned food can provide a wealth of moisture and nutrition for your cat. Alternatively, add some warm water, bone broth, or goat milk to their kibble each meal for some moisture.
Is a prescription diet better because the vet recommended it?
Many prescription diets contain lower quality, highly processed ingredients that usually end up offering less nutritional value and do not justify their cost. We have found feeding a superb meat-based diet (raw, freeze-dried, air-dried, high quality kibble) will provide more desirable results.
Is it best to leave food out for my cat/dog all day?
In the wild, cats do not have access to food at all times, and like dogs, they only eat when they hunt. Free feeding is the biggest contributor to obesity, and cats are prone to scarf and barf. We recommend having set meal times and separate feeding dishes (and places if needed).
Is people food bad for my pet?
Leftovers like lean meat, bland vegetables, etc. can compliment your animal’s diet by adding a little extra variety. However, some foods like grapes, onions, and chocolate can also be dangerous for your pet. Always make sure to check before you feed your pet anything you are eating.
What are issues with clay based cat litter?
There are numerous issues with clay-based litters, which is why Tail Blazers choose to carry other types of litter. Clay litters are produced from environmentally harmful strip mining, and generally contain sodium bentonite. In addition, when your cat scratches in clay, harmful dust particles become airborne and if inhaled, can potentially cause lung problems for your cat down the road. If a cat ingests clay when grooming its paws, there is the potential for the clay to become impacted in the bowel. All the litters we have at Tail Blazers are environmentally friendly and non-harmful to your cat!
Why doesn’t Tail Blazers Sell Pets?
Tail Blazers believes that animals deserve to be lovingly thought out and placed, and should not be an impulse buy! Puppy mills are often the source for pet sales in pet stores and puppy mill conditions are very often inhumane and unacceptable. Tail Blazers has always been a big supporter of animal rescue organizations and ethical breeders and it is safe to say that you have never, and will never, see pets of ANY kind for sale in any Tail Blazers store! That said, we are a happy foster home for many local rescues and periodically, we will be providing a temporary home for a foster cat or two. All foster cats are adopted through the rescue directly.